wordpress - Display only the first sentence of a post on home page -

i have blog posts, , using quick tag display summaries of blog posts in /blog/ page. however, show 2 latest posts on home page of site, include thumbnail, title, , first sentence.

i find quicktag perfect blog home page, text home page. , if place quicktag want it, blog home page looks bit silly , short on text.

is there way use the_content(), the_excert(), or other function pull out first "x" number of words or characters display on home page only?

this duplicate of how set character limit on the_content() , the_excerpt() in wordpress.

from answer:

you use wordpress filter callback function. in theme's directory, create file called functions.php , add following in:

<?php      add_filter("the_content", "plugin_mycontentfilter");    function plugin_mycontentfilter($content)   {     // take existing content , return subset of     return substr($content, 0, 300);   } ?> 

the plugin_mycontentfilter() function called each time request content of post/page via the_content() - provides content input, , use whatever return function subsequent output or other filter functions.


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