C++ variable scope for class friends -

i have:

class game...  class d3dgraphics... 

i have variable of type d3dgraphics called gfx declared in game class.

i make few classes:

class font... class viewport... 

i make them both friends of d3dgraphics , declare variables inside d3dgraphics class:

font font; viewport viewport; 

finally in d3dgraphics have variable made public:

lpdirect3ddevice9 d3ddevice; 

my font class cannot see d3ddevice though friend of d3dgraphics?

why that?

edit::// have changed code around push pointers through outside classes: https://github.com/jimmyt1988/thegame/tree/master/thegame

  • windows.cpp // create game object , pass hwnd through.
  • game.cpp / game.h
  • font.cpp / font.h
  • d3dgraphics.cpp / d3dgraphics.h
  • viewport.cpp / viewport.h

at least if understand correctly, you're expecting friendship transitive -- i.e., friend of b , b friend of c, you're expecting a friend of c.

if so, simple answer because (as c++ defines it) friendship not transitive.


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