ruby on rails 3 - how to test for existing htm5shiv in source code using rspec? -

how can test rails3 application existing htm5shiv code using rspec?

<!--[if lt ie 9]> <script src=""></script>  <![endif]--> 

this demoapp:

rails new renderdemo cd renderdemo/ rails g controller staticpages home --no-test-framework 

in config/routes.rb

root to: "static_pages#home" 

removed public/index.html

rm -f public/index.html 

created partial html5shiv app/views/layouts/_html5shiv.html.erb

<!--[if lt ie 9]> <script src=""></script> <![endif]--> 

i rendered in app/views/layouts/application.html.erb

<head>     .     .     .     <%= render 'layouts/html5shiv' %> </head> 

now when visit demoapp's source code see partial has been added.

how can verify rspec, rendering successful? or may check source code html5shiv existing on each page?


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