.net - Dividing entity framework connection string into 2 parts -

i'm trying set continuous integration legacy project. in web.config, there's entity framework connection string:

<add name="stuffcontext"       connectionstring="        metadata=res://*/stuff.csdl|res://*/stuff.ssdl|res://*/stuff.msl;        provider=system.data.sqlclient;        provider connection string=&quot;          data source=mydbserver;          initial catalog=mydb;          persist security info=true;          user id=loki2302;          password=qwerty;          multipleactiveresultsets=true;          app=entityframework&quot;"         providername="system.data.entityclient" /> 

is there way somehow extract provider connection string , have referenced name in stuffcontext connection string? trying achieve this:

... <add name="stuffcontext"       connectionstring="metadata=...;name=stuffdb" />  <add name="stuffdb"      connectionstring="        data source=mydbserver;        initial catalog=mydb;        persist security info=true;        user id=loki2302;        password=qwerty;        multipleactiveresultsets=true;        app=entityframework" /> ... 

not in web.config, no, can entityconnectionstringbuilder.


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