c# - Pass an integer to a timer in WinForms application -

i have built in timer:

system.windows.forms.timer timerloop; 

when timer started, want (if possible) pass timer integer value.


till now, created general variable timer can read , update variable before starting timer.

you can 2 ways (maybe more):

extend base timer creating new 1 inherit it:

private class timerexnteded : timer {     public int value { get; set; }      public timerexnteded(int value)     {         value = value;     } } 

and use value in tick event.

use tag property of timer

timer t = new timer();  t.tag = 5;  t.start();   //event  private void t_tick(object sender, eventargs e)  {      var timer = sender timer;      var value = (timer.tag int?) ?? 0;        value++;       timer.tag = value;  } 

second approach uses boxing/unboxing of value.


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