c# - Adding 0.5 to counter in result of a draw? -

i'm making game , need change code below in order add 0.5 running "playerscore++;" , "computerscore++;" respectively, when result happens come out in draw. instead of rolling again, demonstrated below, continue play. can't figure out! be:

playerscore += 0.5; computerscore += 0.5; 

instead of message box popping up?

i hope makes sense, sorry! thanks!

 private void button5_click_1(object sender, eventargs e)         {             playerdice = new dice();             int playerdiceno = playerdice.faceofdie;             messagebox.show("your roll: " + playerdiceno);              compdice = new dice();             int compdiceno = compdice.faceofdie;             messagebox.show("computers roll: " + compdiceno);             if (compdiceno == playerdiceno)             {                 messagebox.show("draw - click roll or chance");                 button5.enabled = true;                 button1.enabled = true;             }          } 

you correct, addition assignment operator (+=) give desired effect. try this:

if (compdiceno == playerdiceno) {     computerscore += 0.5;     playerscore += 0.5;     button5.enabled = true;     button1.enabled = true; } 

it's shorthand doing:

computerscore = computerscore + 0.5; playerscore = playerscore + 0.5; 


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