java - Adding a image to the JPanel -

i'm trying add hangman image jpanel. have labeled image 1-10 , increment value each time user gets wrong answer (this working). of yet haven't been able image work. how insert image?

if(!found){   numerror++;    string usererror = integer.tostring(numerror);   string jpg = usererror.concat(".jpg");   try{     bufferedimage myimg = file(jpg));     jlabel hangman = new jlabel(new imageicon(myimg));     hangman.setsize(200,100);     hangman.setlocation(300, 20);     add(hangman);   }catch(ioexception ex){     ex.printstacktrace();   }  } javax.imageio.iioexception: can't read input file! @ @ hangmanpanel$1.actionperformed( @ javax.swing.abstractbutton.fireactionperformed( @ javax.swing.abstractbutton$handler.actionperformed( @ javax.swing.defaultbuttonmodel.fireactionperformed( @ javax.swing.defaultbuttonmodel.setpressed( @ javax.swing.plaf.basic.basicbuttonlistener.mousereleased( @ java.awt.component.processmouseevent( @ javax.swing.jcomponent.processmouseevent( @ java.awt.component.processevent( @ java.awt.container.processevent( @ java.awt.component.dispatcheventimpl( @ java.awt.container.dispatcheventimpl( @ java.awt.component.dispatchevent( ... 

since image become application resource embedded in jar file, image must accessed url. see embedded resource info. page overview of how form url. tricky thing left determine string use.

i have .jpg files place in main dir of both src , bin folder.

ok, if image called hungman.jpg string find "/hungman.jpg"

especially note

  1. the leading / tells class-loader search 'the root of class-path'.
  2. the case of name must right. not matter windows , file instances, urls.

note: accessing image url work either in jar or long image on run-time class-path of application. if ide not automatically jar classes , resources, should still work.


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