android - Java - Date Pattern matching -

i new java. please me. have problem json response below:

{"getresult":"{  \"isdate\": [    {      \"code\": \"200\"    },    {      \"message\": \"fetched successfully\"    },    {      \"id\": \"722c8190c\",      \"name\": \"recruitment\",      \"path\": \"url\",      \"date\": \"14 may, 2013\"    },     ]}"} 

its malformed json object. so, using matching pattern data of name, path , date , getting name , path below:

 matcher matchername = pattern.compile("\\\\\"name\\\\\":\\s\\\\\"[^,}\\]]+\\\\\"").matcher(name);  matcher matcherpath = pattern.compile("\\\\\"path\\\\\":\\s\\\\\"^[^,}\\]]+\\\\\"").matcher(path); 

so, above lines, able path , name. so, please how date well. format of date 14 may, 2013. please me.

matcher same in question:

matcher matcherdate = pattern.compile("\\\\\"date\\\\\":\\s\\\\\"([^\\\\]*)\\\\\"").matcher(brokenjson); while (matcherdate.find()) {     system.out.println(; } 

then can parse date using simpledateformat

update. full code read brokenjson file , parse it:

    string brokenjson = files.tostring(new file("1.dat"), charset.defaultcharset());     matcher matcherdate = pattern.compile("\\\\\"date\\\\\":\\s\\\\\"([^\\\\]*)\\\\\"").matcher(brokenjson);     while (matcherdate.find()) {         system.out.println(;     } 


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