mvvm - Why is there no suggested "model" folder in a Durandal app? -

i'm working on durandal spa, , i've setup views , viewmodels. however, thought mvvm architecture involve "model" segment (model, view, viewmodel--right?).

however, durandal getting started page says under "organization" section:

if expand app folder, find source entire spa sample. here's high level organization find:

  • app
    • durandal/
    • viewmodels/
    • views/
    • main.js

absent structure "models" folder. supposed put models in durandal app?

i've looked @ other sample apps, , can't find "models" folder (or anywhere models residing) of sample apps i've reviewed.

the "models" folder (which isn't there) seems me critical part of durandal app. however, it's not there--and therefore, questioning understanding of how durandal (and mvvm apps) designed. there surely not understanding... can fill me in on intended structure of durandal app, , put model objects?

the answer durandal gives structure necessary run, , nothing more. uses viewmodels , views folder, tells make one. durandal doesn't use models folder, do.

i make 1 in projects. if feel fits dev style, can , should make 1 yourself.

notice leaves no place code not viewmodel, surely exists in application. highly recommend making modules folder purpose.

don't think things can or should ones see done in durandal tutorials. developer. have build on top of durandal provides, , means making own choices.


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