unable to get cmake + jom + parallel execution + multiple custom targets -

how make parallel execution custom targets on $windows$, without using msvc?

i have moderately results parallel job execution using cmake + jom, when compiling c++ targets. have targets, generate code. problem run on single core :(

the cmake files quite complex now, in pseudo-code looks this

add_custom_target(generate_all)  foreach(domain ${domains})     add_custom_target(generate_${domain}         command command-that-generates-domain-code     )     add_dependencies(generate_all generate_${domain}) endforeach() 

when invoke jom generate_all, want dependant targets executed on cores.

ok, solve problem, used ninja build system instead. because of visual studio strange compilation problems, compiled ninja under gentoo box (using mingw32-gcc toolchain). compiles without issues on win box, mingw. afterwards, can used on win box compile (c/cpp code, gnu/msvc compilers, + parallel job execution targets).


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