c# - DropDownList.DataTextField can't be bound to a dataset? -

i'm trying bind dataset dropdownlist, throws httpexception

here's i'm trying do

if (dsgroupsnotonfestival.tables[0].rows.count > 0) {     //bind dataset new group selection     ddlnewgroup.datasource = dsgroupsnotonfestival.tables[0].defaultview;     ddlnewgroup.datavaluefield = "band_id";     ddlnewgroup.datatextfield = "band_naam";     ddlnewgroup.databind(); } else {     ddlnewgroup.items.add(new listitem("no groups add")); } 

the exception message:

databinding: 'system.data.datarowview' not contain property name 'band_naam'. 

i'm absolutely positive dataset contains column title band_naam. can see, exception thrown when binding datatextfield, meaning datavaluefield bound correctly, right?


this stored procedure:

use [groep2_festivals] go /****** object:  storedprocedure [dbo].[getgroupsoffestival]    script date: 14-05-13 12:31:18 pm ******/ set ansi_nulls on go set quoted_identifier on go -- ============================================= -- author:      robbie vercammen -- create date: 2013-05-09 -- description: getting groups defined festival -- ============================================= alter procedure [dbo].[getgroupsoffestival]     (     @festid  nvarchar(4)     ) begin     declare @query varchar(255)      select b.*, p.*      bands b      join bandsperfestival bpf on b.band_id = bpf.band_id      join podia p on p.pod_id = bpf.pod_id fest_id @festid     exec(@query) end 

notice b.* , bands b? here table:

enter image description here

this stored procedure has been used on multiple occasions, i'm pretty sure works correctly. here's perhaps important code forgot mention:

//filling dataset groups not on festival dsgroupsnotonfestival.tables.add(new datatable()); foreach (datarow row in dsgroupsall.tables[0].rows) {     if (!dsgroupsperfestival.tables[0].rows.equals(row))     {         dsgroupsnotonfestival.tables[0].importrow(row);     } } 

and once again, dataset dsgroupsall has been used before data present :)

@manish mishra dsgroupsall filled same stored procedure above. prove there data in there:

enter image description here

for still following, i've confirmed there 14 rows in dsgroupsnotonfestival. when i'm trying value in simple way, example:

string strresult = dsgroupsnotonfestival.tables[0].rows[0][0].tostring(); 

i exception saying column 0 not found... why that?

i'm absolutely positive dataset contains column title band_naam.

i understand how feel, i'm absolutely positive there isn't one because error extremely explicit:

does not contain property name 'band_naam'

have @ code fills dataset. defaultview perfect image of datatable, of course result set of query, query you're using fill datatable missing field.

maybe it's calculated field , forgot as keyword give column name.


based on feedback (i.e. screenshots of queries , schema), i'm going habib hit right on head in comments, change line:

ddlnewgroup.datasource = dsgroupsnotonfestival.tables[0].defaultview; 

to line:

ddlnewgroup.datasource = dsgroupsnotonfestival.tables[0]; 

i have never had problem binding defaultview don't feel there other possibilities left.


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