android - How to return to my original activity when new activity is closed? -

i have app used remote control industrial process, 3 activities a, b, , graphicsactivity. main activity , b screen additional features user can access.

there's separate stand-alone class, pccomms, runs in own thread , handles communication pc controls industrial process. every pc sends android image display , pccomms fire off graphicsactivity display user. user taps button close it.

this problem: when user closes graphicsactivity returns a, if user in b @ time.

pccomms not activity, generic class needs activity context have context variable gets updated whichever activity had screen @ time graphics displayed:

intent intent = new intent(curcontext, graphicsactivity.class); intent.putextra("caption", sgcaption);                                 curcontext.startactivity(intent); 

... i've confirmed in debugger curcontext b's context. when graphicsactivity launches, b's onpause() gets called none of b's life-cycle events called when graphicsactivty finish() es.

relevant manifest entries . . .

<activity android:name="a"    android:launchmode="singletask"    android:screenorientation="portrait"> </activity> <activity android:name="b"    android:screenorientation="portrait"    android:launchmode="singleinstance"> </activity> <activity android:name="graphicsactivity"    android:screenorientation="portrait"    android:launchmode="standard"> </activity> 

so if i'm in b when graphicsactivity opened, how return b when graphicsactivity closed?

thanks in advance!

since b singleinstance, graphicsactivity put in task stack when finish() a. should make b standard , whenever call b can use flag_activity_clear_top. make graphicsactivity singleinstance.


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