sql - Syntax for user defined composite type literal -

i have udts (user defined types) in code (postgresql 9.2)

create type pairs_t (keyname varchar, e_value varchar); create type values_t (e_values varchar[]); create type allvalues_t (regions values_t, products pairs_t); 

and used in:

create or replace function foo( in _x allvalues_t[] ) returns void $$ begin... 

the actual udts in application more complex.

but cannot figure out how type test case. e.g., if wanted (a,prod-a),(b,prod-b) products , () regions, how select * foo(...) statement in pgadmin sql window like? should ... be?

i appreciate if post guide or page describes syntax. have looked @ postgresql man pages no luck.

check out create type in manual.

your example defines type allvalues_t, later uses allvalues. values_t -> value_t. looks simple typos. can't sloppy if want right.

syntax of composite type:

select * foo(('{"(\"(\"\"{arr_a,arr_b}\"\")\",\"(foo,bar)\")","(\"(\"\"{arr_a,arr_b}\"\")\",\"(foo,bar)\")"}')) 

how can find out yourself?

create temp table pairs_t (keyname varchar, e_value varchar); -- or create type more permanent solution.  insert pairs_t values ('foo', 'bar');  create temp table values_t (e_values varchar[]); insert values_t values ('{arr_a, arr_b}');   create temp table allvalues_t (regions values_t, products pairs_t); insert allvalues_t values((select x values_t x), (select x pairs_t x));  create temp table test (t allvalues_t[]); insert test values (array[(select x allvalues_t x), (select x allvalues_t x)]);  select * test select x allvalues_t x; 


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