Python 3: How to specify stdin encoding -

while porting code python 2 python 3, run problem when reading utf-8 text standard input. in python 2, works fine:

for line in sys.stdin:     ... 

but python 3 expects ascii sys.stdin, , if there non-ascii characters in input, error:

unicodedecodeerror: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte .. in position ..: ordinal not in range(128)

for regular file, specify encoding when opening file:

with open('filename', 'r', encoding='utf-8') file:     line in file:         ... 

but how can specify encoding standard input? other posts have suggested using

input_stream = codecs.getreader('utf-8')(sys.stdin) line in input_stream:     ... 

however, doesn't work in python 3. still same error message. i'm using ubuntu 12.04.2 , locale set en_us.utf-8.

python 3 not expect ascii sys.stdin. it'll open stdin in text mode , make educated guess encoding used. guess may come down ascii, not given. see sys.stdin documentation on how codec selected.

like other file objects opened in text mode, sys.stdin object derives io.textiobase base class; has .buffer attribute pointing underlying buffered io instance (which in turn has .raw attribute).

wrap sys.stdin.buffer attribute in new io.textiowrapper() instance specify different encoding:

import io import sys  input_stream = io.textiowrapper(sys.stdin.buffer, encoding='utf-8') 

alternatively, set pythonioencoding environment variable desired codec when running python.


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