git submodules - Git pull from source repository, push to separate test repository's directory -

i have 2 git repos, 1 plain source code of library i'm writing, , other acts test environment. i'll call them respectively prod , dev.

committers pull , push to/from dev, , once dev hits releaseable state, sub-directory containing source code pushed prod. done having prod set git submodule in dev. that's easy part.

now, there's outside contributor. pulls in source code prod, that's need project, , proceed make submodule.

however, don't want them pushing prod has risk of screwing without being tested on dev. so, them push dev, sub-directory within dev containing source code, regular contributors can pull down , test , work on etc, etc, etc.

is possible? how should set up? should separating stuff out separate repos?

have @ workflows laid out in pro git book chapter 5.1 distributed git - distributed workflows. use integration-manager workflow. you'd have 1 blessed repository pull from, no 1 push to. integrator have push rights, , pull changes devs, integrate them, , push them blessed repo. repos same (none dev or prod), , ask people work off of dev branch, make little easier integrate things before merging them master. put lot of integration work on person or persons in role, means @ least 1 person maintains overview of whole project.

i think it's pretty uncommon use submodule production-ready code. that's branches at, , typically used for.


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