gcc4.8 - "make check" cannot find installed shared libraries -

installing gcc 4.8, using recommended infrastructure libs reduce possible issues.

built , installed gmp using default settings--> shared libs went /usr/local/lib built isl, make check cannot find installed gmp shared lib. installed isl anyway, shared libs went /usr/local/lib. built cloog, make check cannot find either installed isl or gmp shared libs

so went cloog-0.18.0/.libs/ , made soft links /usr/local/lib/libisl.so.10.1.1 , libgmp.so.3 , re-ran make check without failures.

these recommended infastructure tarballs downloaded gcc ftp server, , built , installed using default configuration. why might "make check" unable find shared libraries installed?

should add: new ubuntu installation

you need make sure /usr/local/lib in global shared library config -- check /etc/ld.so.conf -- /usr/local/lib should there or in 1 of files includes. if not, add , run ldconfig root rebuild cache.


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