osx - How to set up a NSLayoutConstraint in a NSScrollView? -

i new nslayoutconstraint.

i want manage content of nsscrollview programmatically. @ end, want create subclass of nsscrollview method - add:(nsview *)aview add aview after others , enlarge documentview of nsscrollview if necessary.

(all osx) guess exists can't find it, if knows find this, in ;) here picture can understand : enter image description here

my plan use nslayoutconstraints. constraints :

  • equal vertical space between view 1, view 2, etc.
  • the documentview height should adapt sum of heights of view 1, view 2, etc.
  • some fixed vertical margins between documentviewand view 1 , last view.
  • view 1, view 2, etc. right-aligned

so, let come question : have started adding view 1 (i see after rest). did following :

  • thescrollview nsscrollview ;
  • newsubview view want add ; respect picture, view 1.

    thecontainer = [[nsview alloc] initwithframe:nsmakerect(0, 0, 0, 0)] ; [thescrollview setdocumentview:thecontainer] ;  [newsubview settranslatesautoresizingmaskintoconstraints:no];  [thecontainer addsubview:newsubview] ;  nslog(@"superview ? %@", [newsubview superview]) ; nslog(@"view ? %@", newsubview) ; nslog(@"nsscrollview ? %@", self) ; nslog(@"nsscrollview content ? %@", self.contentview) ;  nsarray * arrayofconst1 ; arrayofconst1 = [nslayoutconstraint constraintswithvisualformat:@"v:|-50-[newsubview]"                                                        options:nslayoutformatdirectionleadingtotrailing                                                        metrics:nil                                                          views:nsdictionaryofvariablebindings(newsubview)];  nslog(@"first constraints : %@", arrayofconst1) ;  nsarray * arrayofconst2 ; arrayofconst2 = [nslayoutconstraint constraintswithvisualformat:@"h:|-[newsubview]"                                                         options:nslayoutformatdirectionleadingtotrailing                                                         metrics:nil                                                           views:nsdictionaryofvariablebindings(newsubview)];   nslog(@"second constraints : %@", arrayofconst2) ;  [newsubview removeconstraints:[newsubview constraints]] ; [thecontainer removeconstraints:[thecontainer constraints]] ; [thecontainer addconstraints:arrayofconst1] ; [thecontainer addconstraints:arrayofconst2] ;  nslog(@"frame of thecontainer : %@", nsstringfromrect(thecontainer.frame)); 

but, doesn't work, frame of thecontainer remains (0,0,0,0).

i new nslayoutconstraints ; missing ?


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