unix - Bash script to compare/search two directories using file list as variable -

i trying write bash script allow me grab names of files on dir1 example, , use each file name search string in find command, , run find command on dir2. then, output search results text file.

so, example, when runs will:

get files in dir1:

  • file1.txt
  • file2.txt
  • file3.txt
  • file4.txt

find files in dir2 "file1" in name

file1 exists in dir2 "file1-extrafile.txt"

write result text file

repeat using "file2" search string.

how can this? diff me? for loop?

try this:

for f in /dir1/*;   n=$(basename "$f")   ls -1 /dir2/*${n%.*}*.${n##*.} done > result.txt 


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