c# - Setting read-only property from a method -

i have simple problem, i'm stuck newbie.

my setgrade method takes float parameter , return char , set value grade property.

i'm not doing correctly.

public class student {     private char grade;      public char grade { { return grade; } }      public char setgrade(float score) {         char mgrade;         if(score >= 90.0) {             return mgrade = 'a';         }         return mgrade = 'f';      } } 

there numerous problems code might not think are.

first off, public wrong; c# requires public.

second, use of local mgrade strange , unnecessary, interestingly enough not wrong; legal assignment , return in 1 step that. in case not need to; return 'a'; without local assignment.

third, method misnamed because it not set grade property. if intend set grade should void returning:

public void setgrade(float score) {    if(score >= 90.0)    {       this.grade = 'a';    }    this.grade = 'f'; }  

if instead method intended conversion floats chars should static:

public static char scoretograde(float score) {    if(score >= 90.0)    {       return 'a';    }    return 'f'; }  

frankly, i'd inclined both:

public void setgrade(float score) {   this.grade = scoretograde(score); }  

there, you've got best of both worlds.

fourth, stylistic point; might consider:

  public char grade { get; private set; } 

the compiler generate "invisible" backing field you, don't have manage yourself. syntax means grade can read anywhere , written within class.


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