iphone - How to Substring a NSString in iOS? -

how can remove dollar($) symbols nsstring?

amountdataarray =      [[nsmutablearray alloc]          initwithobjects:@"$ 10", @"$ 20", @"$ 30", @"$ 40", @"$ 50", @"$ 60", nil]; 

i showing displaying string in uilabel:

confirm.balancestr = self.amountlbl.text; 

i setting amountlbl.text confirm.balancestr, don't want '$' in string.

i want show amount 20, 30 , 40 not dollar, $10, $20,

try this

amountlbl.text = [confirm.balancestr stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring:@"$ " withstring:@""]; 


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