java - How to set ActiveMQ to stop accepting messages? -

i want know in activemq there property user can restrict activemq not accept messages in input queue after threshold reached ? far able find out flow control using memory constraint. want dynamically block input queue when input queue reaches threshold. there other software can me achieve goal ?

possible way plug custom broker interceptor activemq.

supple spring broker configuration with:

<plugins>   <bean id="myplugin" class=""/>     </plugins> 

then extend brokerplugin override send method.

package;  import; import;  public class checkthresholdplugin extends brokerfilter {       public void send(producerbrokerexchange producer, message message) throws exception {              boolean isoverthreshold = /* figure out getting destination message */         if (isoverthreshold) {           throw new exception("the threshold exceeded.");         } else {           super.send(producer, message);         }     }  }  


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