google app engine - GAE Python Testing -

first i'm quite new gae/python, please bear me. here's situation

have tests test suites in package. testcase's setup current like;

import test_settings policy # has consistency variables <- not work  ...  def setup(self):     # first, create instance of testbed class.     self.testbed = testbed.testbed()     # activate testbed, prepares service stubs use.     self.testbed.activate()     # consistency policy nomal operations     self.policy = none     if policy.policy_flag == 'strict':         # create consistency policy simulate high replication consistency model.         self.policy = datastore_stub_util.pseudorandomhrconsistencypolicy(probability=0)     # initialize datastore stub policy.     self.testbed.init_datastore_v3_stub(consistency_policy=self.policy) 

this primitive attempt setup datastore different consistency policies run tests against them. total fail.

what want run test cases against different datastore consistencies @ 1 go root using above or other, how can this? how pass in parameters testcase test runner?

python, unit test - pass command line arguments setup of unittest.testcase

the above thread shows how best pass runtime arguments test case. answer 2.


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