perl extract information from several files in folders into the specific files -

i'm trying extract of daily data analyze yearly something.

so, made code searching folder , files.

after wanna extract curtain lines in several files has same name in middle.

when done work, realize there 1 day information left

daily data grid format this.

ncols           751 nrows           601 xllcorner       124.5 yllcorner       33. cellsize        0.01 nodata_value    -99  -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0 -99.0  

i wanna result code.

1.txt (2011) 10 10 10 10 10 4 4 3 2 5 4 3 2 10 4 4 3 2 1 1 10 10 10 10 10 10  2.txt (2012) 3 4 2 10 10 4 4 3 2 5 4 3 2 10 4 4 3 2 1 1 10 10 10 10 10 10 

use 5.010; use warnings;  if( $#argv < 0 )   { die "need folder.\n"; }  $dirname = shift(@argv); local($i);  #rutine  &readsubdir($dirname);  sub readsubdir  {     if(!opendir(dirhandle, $_[0]))     {         print "$_[0] failed opening.\n";         return 0;     }      local(@files) = readdir(dirhandle);      local($i);     local($newfile);      local(@dironly);     local(@fileonly);      for($i = 0; $i <= $#files; $i++)     {         $newfile = $_[0]."\\".$files[$i];         if(-d $newfile)         {         push(@dironly, $files[$i]);         }         elsif(-f $newfile)         {             push(@fileonly, $files[$i]);         }         else         {}     }      @files = @dironly;     push(@files, @fileonly);     closedir dirhandle;       $cnt = 1;     $b = 2011;      for($i =0; $i <= $#files; $i++){         $newfile = $_[0]."\\".$files[$i];         if(-f $newfile){         open(filehandle, $newfile)|| die "cannot open 개체 \n";         my($dir, $file, $ext) = ($newfile =~ m|^(.*\\)(.*)(\..*)$| );         if (substr($file,17,4) eq $b){         while(<filehandle>){             if($. == 7){                 $filename = $cnt.'.txt';         open out, ">$filename" or die "failed create $filename";         print out $_;         }         }         close(filehandle);         }         elsif (substr($file,17,4) eq $b+1){         $b++;         $cnt++;         while(<filehandle>){             if($. == 7){                 $filename = $cnt.'.txt';         open out, ">$filename" or die "failed create $filename";         print out $_;         }         }         close(filehandle);         }         }         close(out);         } } 

the question isn't clear you're trying accomplish, information in daily file data example doesn't match of data in output examples. however, looking @ code think you're trying , think problem occurring when open output file store lines extracted. you're opening file >, indicates you're opening file output, overwrite file if exists. code overwriting same file on , on , information in last file saved. need open file in append mode using >>. code should similar following:

 open out, ">>$filename" or die "failed create $filename"; 


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