osx - Reduce wxWidgets size Mac and disable PNG -

i edited port file create wxwidgets statically because wanted reduce executable size. @ first used dynamic linking , dylibbundler, resulted in ~40 mb size bundle. using statically linked wxwidgets , bunch of strip settings, can executable ~10 mb , bundle 11 mb. however, know fact simple program still using libpng.a because when remove library in link options, link errors. tried specifying wxno_png_lib in prefix header, before includes, on place until xcode started complaining redefinitions. such simple application, i'd able have smaller application size, , think removing png , perhaps other strip commands have left.

however, if knows better ways reduce wxwidgets size, i'm using macports gcc 4.9 xcode , statically compiled wxwidgets30 port.

defining wxno_png_lib won't under mac, it's msvc-specific. need build own version of wxwidgets without png support (although last thing i'd want disable) , else can away with. start running configure --disable-all-features , add enable options need.


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