system calls - valgrind give error when printing the second line to file -
i'm using valgrind find faults in code. command use
valgrind --leak-check=yes ./a.out
and compile code -g
code alone. many errors pointing single write line (the 3 printed values initialized , defined).
write (22,*) avlength, stdlength, avenergy
all conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
error. said line second line bunch of lines printing single file. @ end of errors, 2 more, 1 pointing line opening file
resstep = int(conf*100/iterate) if ( write (resfile, "(a5,i1)") "res00",resstep elseif ( write (resfile, "(a4,i2)") "res0",resstep else write (resfile, "(a3,i1)") "res",resstep endif open (unit=22,file=trim(resfile),status='replace', c action='write')
integer. error syscall param write(buf) points uninitialised byte(s)
. finally, error address 0x52d83f4 212 bytes inside block of size 8,344 alloc'd
when flush file (before closing it).
i can't find logic here. if problem opening file in faulty way, wouldn't error @ first line?
i use f95 compile , gcc version 4.1.2. can't upgrade of it.
wild guess: check data type of resfile
. string or unit number?
my fortran 95 beyond rusty try moving call open() before calls write() , pass integer resunit instead of resfile first argument write():
character(len=20):: resfile integer(kind=2) :: resunit, resstep resstep = 1 resfile = 'my-results' resunit = 22 open (unit=resunit, file=trim(resfile), status='replace', action='write') write(resunit, "(a5,i1)") "res00", resstep end
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