java - How do I get a random word from a string? -

i want create hangman game in java, i'm unsure on how set whole thing up. working on system more letters have, have less chance of appearing on hangman puzzle.

    import java.ultil.scanner;     public class hangman {       public static void main(string[]args); // let's try main?       scr = newscanner(; // used keyboard input       string words = "hi:bye:hello:cheese:puppies";       int length = words.length();       }     } 

how can random word variable, "words", , calculate it's length?

please keep in mind, i'm not best @ coding java.

this answers part picking random word , finding length.

string words = "hi:bye:hello:cheese:puppies"; string[] wordsasarray = words.split(":");  int index = new random().nextint(wordsasarray.length);  string randomword = wordsasarray[index]; system.out.println("random word: '" + randomword + "'. of length: " + randomword.length()); 


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