objective c - Xcode removing language specific storyboards iOS -

a while ago decided make application multilanguage. ended using localizable.strings. different file each language translations in it.

in main storyboard use nslocalizedstring(@"example", nil); on elements etc.

the problem have found out somehow ended storyboard each language. can fold out mainstoryboard_iphone.storyboard , under lists language specific storyboards (mainstoryboard_iphone.storyboard (english) , mainstoryboard_iphone.storyboard (dutch). since not use because localizable.strings not need language specific storyboards. on time became inconsistent. english board has current changes , dutch 1 not.

my question is:

how can safely remove these language specific storyboards , keep using localizable.strings. want end 1 main storyboard (the top level 1 in image above). not want ruin project , want sure solution use correct.

thank you!

i had same issue.

i solved selecting "base internationalization" in project settings. next, click file inspector icon (right pane) storyboard file , make sure base checked. not check other languages.

this fix issue.

don't bother base internationalization localizable.strings file, can still use regular translation setup there (ie, english , dutch).


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