Inconsistent Sorting: Using jQuery UI Sortable -

we have hierarchical items here series of tr structure , not in nested table structure. need have functionality drag , drop items same level or function sort same level items.

for example i'll try move item 1.1 below item 1.4, row must displayed below item 1.4 children items(item 1.1.1 , item 1.1.2). work if try move children items, not work.

and should able sort/move item 1, item 2 , item 3 children.

help regards these sorting in jquery ui.

var tmptr = jquery(ui.item).clone(true, true);  var tmpparent = jquery('tbody[data="'+ui.item[0].id+'"]').clone(true,true); 

i think there's wrong in code clone. way here's jsfiddle link

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after experimenting jquery-ui sortable recent implementation of heirarchical list of items draggable/droppable/sortable, ended rolling own implementation using draggable , droppable. helped avoid lot of squidgy issues hierarchical , complex sorting/dragging/dropping interactions sortable. though got less front, able handle cases needed without understanding , hacking default behavior of sortable. not answer question behavior of clone, may help!


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