codeigniter - PHP - concatenate string from database -

i have string send email registration. string stored in database.

when load string model.

//string db hi {$email} , bla bla bla 

my controllers example.

  function (){       $text = $this->some_model->get_string();        // var post       $email = ''       echo $text;   } 

and there no change whatsoever in string. str_replace cant output this.

hi, bla bla bla

what if case. have 2 or more string replace?


 hi {$email}, {$username} 

php doesnt magically check each string if contains code can execute. if string in database contains hi {$email} , bla bla bla php leave that.

so need manually override values in string match values. safest way simple str_replace

<?php $string = 'hi {$email} , bla bla bla'; $email = ''; $output = str_replace('{$email}', $email, $string); $output = str_replace('{$username}', $username, $output ); echo $output; //hi , bla bla bla ?> 

or in code

<?php function (){     $text = $this->some_model->get_string();     $email = '';     echo str_replace('{$username}', $username, str_replace('{$email}', $email, $text));    //hi , bla bla bla } ?> 

if create string (with double quotes) before put in database, value of {$email} have been changed

<?php $email = ''; $text = "hi {$email} , bla bla bla"; //notice double quotes, single qoutes wont work echo $text; //hi , bla bla bla ?> 


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