Generic XSLT transform to manipulate similar XML data -

we have tool producing unwanted xml element , using xslt translate required format.

we writing different xslt every xml generated file. e.g. 1 customers xml, 1 orders xml , on.

below couple of xml data files produced tool , actual output expected


tool-generated xml

<message>   <data>     <customerarray>       <customer>         <x>           <name>john</name>           <id>100</id>           <roles>             <role>               <x>manager</x>               <x>architect</x>             </role>           </roles>         </x>         <x>           <name>doe</name>           <id>102</id>           <roles>             <role>               <x>supervisor</x>               <x>admin</x>             </role>           </roles>         </x>       </customer>     </customerarray>   </data> </message> 

required xml data

<message>   <data>     <customerarray>       <customer>         <name>john</name>         <id>100</id>         <roles>           <role>manager</role>           <role>architect</role>         </roles>       </customer>       <customer>         <name>doe</name>         <id>102</id>         <roles>           <role>supervisor</role>           <role>admin</role>         </roles>       </customer>     </customerarray>   </data> </message> 


tool-generated xml

<message>   <orders>     <order>       <x>         <ordernumber>o123</ordernumber>         <customerid>c100</customerid>         <quantity>100</quantity>         <unitprice>10.0</unitprice>       </x>       <x>         <ordernumber>o456</ordernumber>         <customerid>c107</customerid>         <quantity>100</quantity>         <unitprice>5.0</unitprice>       </x>     </order>   </orders> </message> 

required xml data

<message>   <orders>     <order>       <ordernumber>o123</ordernumber>       <customerid>c100</customerid>       <quantity>100</quantity>       <unitprice>10.0</unitprice>     </order>     <order>       <ordernumber>o456</ordernumber>       <customerid>c107</customerid>       <quantity>100</quantity>       <unitprice>5.0</unitprice>     </order>   </orders> </message> 

the unwanted element x can come @ level.

is possible write generic xslt transform achieve result across xml input? instance, x found, replace parent tag , delete parent tag.

here simpler/shorter solution, handles correctly case when x can have non x sibling elements:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">  <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="yes"/>  <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>   <xsl:template match="node()|@*">   <xsl:copy>    <xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/>   </xsl:copy>  </xsl:template>   <xsl:template match="*[x]"><xsl:apply-templates/></xsl:template>   <xsl:template match="x">   <xsl:element name="{name(..)}">    <xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/>   </xsl:element>  </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet> 

when transformation applied following xml document (the first of provided ones, 1 non-x sibling added x elements:

<message>   <data>     <customerarray>       <customer>         <x>           <name>john</name>           <id>100</id>           <roles>             <role>               <x>manager</x>               <x>architect</x>             </role>           </roles>         </x>         <somethingelse/>         <x>           <name>doe</name>           <id>102</id>           <roles>             <role>               <x>supervisor</x>               <x>admin</x>             </role>           </roles>         </x>       </customer>     </customerarray>   </data> </message> 

the wanted, correct result produced:

<message>    <data>       <customerarray>          <customer>             <name>john</name>             <id>100</id>             <roles>                <role>manager</role>                <role>architect</role>             </roles>          </customer>          <somethingelse/>          <customer>             <name>doe</name>             <id>102</id>             <roles>                <role>supervisor</role>                <role>admin</role>             </roles>          </customer>       </customerarray>    </data> </message> 

do note solution borodin loses somethingelse element.


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