XML Parsing with same element tags but unique data -

i parsing xml has many of same tag. inside tag there name of value , value. issue is need separate values.

this example of xml have parse

  <event>   <ipaddress>   </ip>    <sourcesystem>   somwhere   </sourcesystem>   <username>    fred91   </username>    <user>    <username>   fred91    </username>    <account>   fredsaccount    </account>    <id>     f2234232     </id>    </user>   ////below portion of xml having issues notice multple of same element tag name , values unique/////  <event-details>    <name>prairie farms</name>    <value>summer lane happy land usa</value>  </event-details>    <event-details>    <name>house on fire</name>    <value>ashes</value>  </event-details> </event> 

notice name of events change , not related. if related easier parse. name name of event , unique. value linked unique name. problem trying figure out how parse out unique name generic element tag , assign name corresponding value. told try use collection not sure how go doing that. right have parsing out this.

sql.query(myquery, []) { resultset rs ->             while (rs.next()) {                     def parsing = new xmlslurper().parsetext(auditdetails)                          def audit = new audit()                          audit.ipaddress = parsing."ip-address".text()                         audit.sourcesystem = parsing."source-system".text()                         audit.username = parsing."username".text()                            parsing."user".each{                             audit.username = parsing."user"."username".text()                             audit.account = parsing."user"."account".text()                             audit.id= parsing."user"."id".text()                         }                               /*if (parsing."event-details"."name".text().equals("createdtime")){                                 audit.name = parsing."event-details"."name".text                                 audit.createdtime = parsing."event-details"."value".text()                             }*/                             audit.name = parsing."event-details".name?.text()                             audit.value = parsing."event-details".value?.text()                         audit.eventdetails = parsing."event-details".text() 

with audit being object , parsing being xmlslurper. right gives me "name" elements 1 string , there corresponding (in order respectively) values in string. this:

name: prairie farmhouse on fire

value: summer lane happy land usaashes

i need like

prairie farms: summer lane happy land usa

house on fire: ashes

i have 10 different unique names know of far (found looking @ query receives them strung together)

what have write picks out unique event names , links value.

parsing.'event-details'.each{    if (parsing."event-details"."name".text().equals("createdtime")){     audit.name = parsing."event-details"."name".text     audit.createdtime = parsing."event-details"."value".text()    } } 

^ first thought, going known unique names , going through , assigning name value way. of linked createdtime value , ignore rest test didn't far.

any suggestions or opinions?

sorry if confusing. find kind of hard explain

thanks time!

assuming using xmlslurper, try:

def audit = parsing.'event-details'.iterator().collectentries {   [ it.name, it.value ] } 


ok, given xml:

def x = '''<event>           |  <ipaddress></ipaddress>           |  <sourcesystem>somwhere</sourcesystem>           |  <username>fred91</username>           |  <user>           |    <username>fred91</username>           |    <account>fredsaccount</account>           |    <id>f2234232</id>           |  </user>           |  <event-details>           |    <name>prairie farms</name>           |    <value>summer lane happy land usa</value>           |  </event-details>             |  <event-details>           |    <name>house on fire</name>           |    <value>ashes</value>           |  </event-details>           |</event>'''.stripmargin() 

and audit class:

@groovy.transform.tostring(includenames=true) class audit {   string ipaddress, sourcesystem, username, account, id   map eventdetails } 

you can do:

def audit = new xmlslurper().parsetext( x ).with { xml ->   new audit( ipaddress    : xml.ipaddress,              sourcesystem : xml.sourcesystem,              username     : xml.username,              account      : xml.user.account,              id           : xml.user.id,              eventdetails : xml.'event-details'.iterator().collectentries { [ it.name, it.value ] } ) }  println audit 

to print:

audit(ipaddress:, sourcesystem:somwhere, username:fred91, account:fredsaccount, id:f2234232, eventdetails:[prairie farms:summer lane happy land usa, house on fire:ashes]) 


if using groovy < 1.8.7, change

             eventdetails : xml.'event-details'.iterator().collectentries { [ it.name, it.value ] } ) 


             eventdetails : xml.'event-details'.inject( [:] ) { m, e -> m << [ (e.name): e.value ] } ) 
