iphone - Frequently asihttprequest runrequests crash -

  • thread #7: tid = 0x2403, 0x351b9010 libsystem_kernel.dylibmach_msg_trap + 20 frame #0: 0x351b9010 libsystem_kernel.dylibmach_msg_trap + 20 frame #1: 0x351b920c libsystem_kernel.dylibmach_msg + 56 frame #2: 0x33672422 corefoundationcfrunloopservicemachport + 126 frame #3: 0x3367115a corefoundation__cfrunlooprun + 882 frame #4: 0x335f44dc corefoundationcfrunlooprunspecific + 300 frame #5: 0x335f43a4 corefoundationcfrunloopruninmode + 104 frame #6: 0x30e8cbc8 foundation+[nsurlconnection(loader) resourceloadloop:] + 308 frame #7: 0x30e8ca90 foundation-[nsthread main] + 72 frame #8: 0x30f205a0 foundation_nsthread__main + 1048 frame #9: 0x3709bc1c libsystem_c.dylib`_pthread_start + 320

i not using asinetworkqueue , using through array of urls, , have implemented requestfinished: method, gets called fine. got received crash when request not responded.

could please 1 me out ?

sample code snippet :

class (wrapper class extends asihttprequest) :

asihttprequest *httprequest;  - (id)initwithurl:(nsstring *)anurl errorinfo:(nserror **)error {     if (self = [super init]) {         nsurl *httpurl = [nsurl urlwithstring:anurl];     httprequest = [self createasirequest:httpurl];     didfinishselector = @selector(requestfinished:);     didfailselector = @selector(requestfailed:);         return self;     } }  - (void)dealloc {     if (httprequest) {        [httprequest cleardelegatesandcancel];        [httprequest release];        httprequest = nil;     }     [super dealloc]; }  - (asihttprequest *)createasirequest:(nsurl *)url {     asihttprequest *request = [[asihttprequest requestwithurl:url] retain];     request.delegate = self;     return request; } 

class b :

request in loop:   class *d = [[class alloc] initwithurl:url errorinfo:&perror];  d.didfinishselector = @selector(responsehandler:);  d.didfailselector = @selector(responsehandler:); 

the delegate methods being called after view controller has been released. so, needs clean delegates before releasing view controller.this works me.


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