android - What is the best way to load files from an expansion file in the NDK -

i wrote native android app use opengl es , apk expansion file because it's greater 50mb. textures in .obb file , load in java (with apkexpansionsupport).

here method load image expansion

public static bitmap getimagewithname(string a_path) {     bitmap t_image = null;       try     {         inputstream t_inputstream = expansionfile.getinputstream(a_path);         t_image = bitmapfactory.decodestream(t_inputstream);                     t_inputstream.close();     }     catch (exception e)     {         log.e(log_tag, e.getmessage());     }     return t_image; } 

and here jni method image :

bimage * wfileloader::getimage(const bstring& a_path, filelocation a_location) {     ...      jmethodid javamethod = env->getstaticmethodid(cls, "getimagewithname","(ljava/lang/string;i)landroid/graphics/bitmap;");      if( javamethod )     {         jobject t_bitmap = env->callstaticobjectmethod(cls, javamethod, t_path, t_location);          if(t_bitmap)         {             jclass t_bitmapclass = env->findclass("android/graphics/bitmap");              jmethodid t_getwidthmethod = env->getmethodid(t_bitmapclass, "getwidth", "()i");             jmethodid t_getheightmethod =env->getmethodid(t_bitmapclass, "getheight", "()i");              jint t_width = env->callintmethod(t_bitmap,t_getwidthmethod);             jint t_height = env->callintmethod(t_bitmap,t_getheightmethod);              jmethodid t_getpixelsmethod = env->getmethodid(t_bitmapclass, "getpixels", "([iiiiiii)v");              jintarray t_intbuffer = env->newintarray(t_width*t_height);             jint t_offset = 0;             jint t_stride = t_width;             jint t_x = 0;             jint t_y=0;              env->callvoidmethod(t_bitmap,t_getpixelsmethod,t_intbuffer,t_offset,t_stride,t_x,t_y,t_width,t_height);          ....         } }  ...  } 

the texture loading long , takes 30% of cpu time (bitmapfactory.decodestream takes larger part). has better solution load ?

i'm trying use zzip solve problem.
