Ruby on Rails. Understanding loops -

i'm getting somewhere ror. want clarify things regarding loops.

i've created 'inputs' controller contains methods let user create, read, update , delete database entries.

i have 'inputs' view renders html frontend. in view following loop:

<table> <% @inputs.each |input| %>   <tr>    <td><%= input.title %></td>    <td><%= input.content %></td>    <td><%= link_to 'show', input %></td>    <td><%= link_to 'edit', edit_input_path(input) %></td>    <td><%= link_to 'destroy', input, method: :delete, data: { confirm: 'are sure?' } %>   </td>   </tr> <% end %> </table> 

i understand how loops work conceptually, i'm bit lost on this.

i think @inputs 'points code' (better way of expressing that, please?) towards inputs controller the methods used loop live.

inside inputs controller there indeed methods such 'edit', 'create', 'show' , 'destroy'.

but there not 'title' or 'content' methods in controller! come from?

and, honest, not understand

<% @inputs.each |input| %> 

very well.

this me trying understand:

@inputs = go inputs controller

.each = call each method on inputs controller. (where each method defined? mean, calling each on controller?)

do | input | = whatever heck calling .each on controller does, generates object called 'input'.

now, object 'input' indeed contain methods such title , content, these methods coming from?? literally inside controller!

anyway, lot.

when use @inputs inside view template you've shown in code above, view template using instance variable @inputs has been defined inside controller action rendered view template.

in other words, use example, let's inputscontroller has method called index. in view folder, have corresponding view template named index.html.erb.

# inside app/controllers/inputs_controller.rb def index   @inputs = input.all end  # inside app/views/inputs/index.html.erb <table> <% @inputs.each |input| %>   <tr>    <td><%= input.title %></td>    <td><%= input.content %></td>    <td><%= link_to 'show', input %></td>    <td><%= link_to 'edit', edit_input_path(input) %></td>    <td><%= link_to 'destroy', input, method: :delete, data: { confirm: 'are sure?' } %>   </td>   </tr> <% end %> </table> 

when index method called, rails will, default, view template of same name method being called; say, search view template called index.html.erb.

using example i've given here, @inputs used inside view template has been instantiated index action called controller.

furthermore, can see instantiation of @inputs variable:

@inputs = input.all 

@inputs variable references collection of objects database. in other words, inside loop in view template, @ section:

<% @inputs.each |input| %> 

each |input| reference 1 of objects contained inside @inputs collection, , in turn, each of these objects corresponds database object (i.e. input model). why each input has attributes called title , content, because these defined in database migration columns of input table.


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