java - getting Invalid column index when calling Procedural -

i have procedural takes 2 string arguments , returns integer value database oracle 10g .

when try print out result i'm getting invalid column index .

the code

  try {                dbconnection newconnect = new dbconnection();              connection con = newconnect.makeconnect();              callablestatement stmt1 = ((connection) con).preparecall("{ call login (?, ?, ?)}");             stmt1.registeroutparameter(1, types.integer);             stmt1.setstring(2, "ahmed");             stmt1.setstring(3, "ahmed");               resultset rslt = stmt1.executequery();               if (              {                   system.out.println( rslt.getint(1));               } 

procedural login

   create or replace      procedure login          (p_username  teacher.username%type,                     p_password  teacher.password%type)                  v_teacher_id   teacher.teacher_id%type;                       v_username    teacher.username%type ;            v_password     teacher.password%type ;       begin select   teacher_id, username , password    v_teacher_id , v_username , v_password    teacher   username = p_username , password =p_password  ;              dbms_output.put_line (v_teacher_id);         end login ; 

nice try error exists here.... this... output retrive 100% sure.

create or replace procedure login  (           v_teacher_id out teacher.teacher_id%type,                     p_username  in teacher.username%type,                     p_password  in teacher.password%type)     ..... (blah blah blah) 

tell me onething, if not providing output parameter @ start of procedure , how can expect output in java code ?

now try, output java code


all best :)... surajit


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