Prolog: How to find a specific element in a list? -
i have implement predicate:
predicate(+connections, +[index,position], -leftconnections);
the connections variable list looks this:
(conn(symbol1, element11, element21), conn(symbol2, element12, element22), etc)
i have find connection has symbol equal index variable. then, has verify of 2 elem equal position variable, , retain other (let's call new_pos
); next, remove connection found , search of other connections has in of 2 elements, new_pos
, , retain new symbol found.
predicate([conn(1,p1,p2), conn(4,p2,p3), conn(3,p3,p1), conn(2,p6,p7)], [1, p2], left); index = 1, position = p2 => new_position = p1 => new_symbol = 3 leftconnections = [conn(4,p2,p3), conn(3,p3,p1), conn(2,p6,p7)]
code appreciated!
like in every programming language, must break down steps. first step is, in own words, "find connection has symbol equal index variable."
this quite simple:
predicate(connections, [index,position], remaining) :- select(conn(index, position, _), connections, remaining). predicate(connections, [index, position2], remaining) :- select(conn(index, _, position2), connections, remaining).
both of have anonymous variable new_pos
want retain, let's keep it:
predicate(connections, [index, position], remaining) :- select(conn(index, position, newpos), connections, remaining). predicate(connections, [index, position2], remaining) :- select(conn(index, newpos, position2), connections, remaining).
another approach:
predicate(connections, [index, position], remaining) :- select(conn(index, position, newpos), connections, remaining) ; select(conn(index, newpos, position), connections, remaining).
in fact perfect, need somewhere pass newpos
out from, or prolog never show unified to.
select_position(connections, [index,pos], remaining, newpos) :- select(conn(index, pos, newpos), connections, remaining) ; select(conn(index, newpos, pos), connections, remaining).
your next step find connection. isn't hard either:
find_with_position(position, connections, connection) :- member(connection, connections), (connection = conn(_, position, _) ; connection = conn(_, _, position)).
both of these have special-case logic handle fact either item right one. may want consider either using lists can use member.
gluing these isn't hard:
predicate(connections, [index, position], remaining, target) :- select_position(connections, [index, position], remaining, newpos), find_with_position(newpos, remaining, conn(target,_,_)).
try it:
?- predicate([conn(1,p1,p2), conn(4,p2,p3), conn(3,p3,p1), conn(2,p6,p7)], [1, p2], left, t). left = [conn(4, p2, p3), conn(3, p3, p1), conn(2, p6, p7)], t = 3 ; false.
you have lot of problems here. if you're learning prolog class, encourage take tutorial, such learn prolog now or amzi adventure.
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