How to properly initialize variable in Eclipse BPEL designer Apache ODE engine? -

i have simple bpel variable of int datatype. process gets deployed, on execution, ode engine complains “variable counter isn’t initialized”. wrong below initialization code?

<bpel:variable name="counter" type="ns1:int">  <bpel:assign validate="no" name="setvariables">  <bpel:copy> <bpel:from><bpel:literal xml:space="preserve">1</bpel:literal>             </bpel:from>             <bpel:to variable="counter"></bpel:to>         </bpel:copy> </bpel:assign> 

i'll take working solution comments question , provide answer, question can recorded answered.

the problem can solved initializing variable on definition , not via later assign during process execution. way, variable guaranteed initialized on first access. default initialization variable @ hand looks this:

<bpel:variable name="counter" type="ns1:int"><bpel:from>1</bpel:from></variable> 
