php - Can't prepare a query and no error output -

today have problems script, can't prepare query , script doens't retrun error:

table structure(oops wrong table,corrected):

create table if not exists `razorphyn_support_users` ( `id`                bigint(11)    unsigned    not null auto_increment, `name`              varchar(50)               not null, `mail`              varchar(50)               not null, `password`          varchar(200)              not null, `reg_key`           varchar(260)              not null, `tmp_password`      varchar(31)               null, `ip_address`        varchar(50)               not null, `status`            enum('0','1','2','3','4') not null    default '3', `holiday`           enum('0','1')             not null    default '0', `assigned_tickets`  int(5)        unsigned    not null    default 0, `solved_tickets`    bigint(11)    unsigned    not null    default 0, primary key (`id`), unique key(`mail`))  engine=myisam default charset=utf8  auto_increment=55; 

unpreparable string:

$query = "select `id` ".$supportusertable."  `status`='2' , `holiday`='0' , min(`assigned_tickets`)  order `solved_tickets` asc" ; 

full code(in reality part of it, $stmt starterd , working,basically it's connected):

file_put_contents('ok.txt',''); $query = "select `id`  ".$supportusertable."            `status`='2' , `holiday`='0' , min(`assigned_tickets`)            order `solved_tickets` asc" ; $prepared = $stmt->prepare($query); if($prepared){ file_put_contents('ok2.txt',''); if($stmt->execute()){     file_put_contents('ok3.txt','');     $stmt->store_result();     $result = $stmt->bind_result($id);     file_put_contents('eafv.txt','id: '.$id);     if($stmt->num_rows>0){         $query = "update ".$supportticketstable." set operator_id=?                    id=? ";         if($prepared = $stmt->prepare($query)){             if($stmt->bind_param('ii', $id,$tkid)){                 if($stmt->execute()){                     echo json_encode(array(0=>'created'));                 }                 else                     echo json_encode(array(0=>mysqli_stmt_error($stmt)));             }             else                 echo json_encode(array(0=>mysqli_stmt_error($stmt)));         }         else             echo json_encode(array(0=>mysqli_stmt_error($stmt)));     }     else         echo json_encode(array(0=>'no operator available')); } else     echo json_encode(array(0=>mysqli_stmt_error($stmt))); } else     echo json_encode(array(0=>$stmt->error)); 

you can't put min() expressions in clause in sql. can put min() expressions in select-list, having clause, , order clause.

what want is:

i select operator minimum number of open ticket , if there multiple operator same value [then] select 1 less solved tickets

here's solution result:

select `id` razorphyn_support_users  `status` = 2 , `holiday` = 0  order `assigned_tickets` asc, `solved_tickets` asc limit 1 

re comments:

for limit syntax, see or mysql manual says:

for compatibility postgresql, mysql supports limit row_count offset offset syntax.

using string-delimiters if type string or enum. made assumption columns integers (i didn't double-check table definition above), , removed string delimiters because they're not necessary integers.


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