c# - How to Access the controls in the caption of the gridview? -

i want put title gridview ,so following :

<asp:gridview id="gv_employee" runat="server" allowpaging="true" allowsorting="true"         autogeneratecolumns="false" caption='<table width="100%" class="testcssstyle"><tr><td class="text_title"><asp:label runat="server" id="lbl_gv_title"></asp:label></td><td><asp:imagebutton runat="server" id="ibtn_edit_master"  imageurl="~/images/editsmall.png" validationgroup="g1"></asp:imagebutton></td></tr></table>'         cssclass="forms" datakeynames="valueskey" horizontalalign="center" onpageindexchanging="gv_inbox_pageindexchanging"         onrowcommand="gv_inbox_rowcommand" onrowdatabound="gv_inbox_rowdatabound" tabindex="2"         width="600px">      </asp:gridview> 

i want access label , image button in caption of gridview set value of label , handle event of button can change label value .how ?

instead of giving asp controls lablel , image button ,you can give html controls element caption.then can assign divid.innerhtml=gridviewid.caption.tostring(),and can write client side script input element button.
