gruntjs - Adding a task with in a task in a gruntfile -
i have gruntfile below: concat: { options: { banner: '<%= banner %>', stripbanners: true }, one: { src: ['src/**/*.js'], dest: 'dist/<%= %>_ac.js' }, two: { src: ['/types/**/*.js'], dest: 'dist/<%= %>_lib.js' }, all: { } },..... , on now if register task like: grunt.registertask('basic', ['concat:all']); i want both 1 , 2 run. how shall add option in all: { // need add here include 1 , 2 both? } no need add target if you're registering task point 2 targets. do: grunt.registertask('basic', ['concat:one', 'concat:two']); otherwise if you're intending on concatenating files 1 , 2 do: grunt.initconfig({ concat: { one: { src: ['src/**/*.js'], ...