PHP: Array removed specifed keys from the array variable -

i have array, array key contains file name , array value array contain sfile size,date etc.

in these array list, want store xls , xlsx files alone. need remove files of other extensions.

is there predefined function in php?

note: have constant variable varaible contain var_file_ext= "xls, xlsx, csv"

[sample.xls] => array (             [size] => 3353             [uid] => 1012             [gid] => 1013             [permissions] => 33188             [atime] => 1338497357             [mtime] => 1338497357             [type] => 1         )  [sample.csv] => array (             [size] => 3353             [uid] => 1012             [gid] => 1013             [permissions] => 33188             [atime] => 1338497357             [mtime] => 1338497357             [type] => 1         )  [sample.txt] => array (             [size] => 3353             [uid] => 1012             [gid] => 1013             [permissions] => 33188             [atime] => 1338497357             [mtime] => 1338497357             [type] => 1         ) 

in example want remove sample.txt array keys , corresponding values.

$filtered = array_intersect_key(     $array,     array_filter(array_keys($array), function ($name) { return preg_match('/\.xlsx?$/', $name); }) ); 


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