c# - How to serialize Wi-Fi config object to wpa_supplicant.conf -


here example of wpa_supplicant.conf

# allow frontend (e.g., wpa_cli) used users in 'wheel' group ctrl_interface=dir=/var/run/wpa_supplicant group=wheel # # home network; allow valid ciphers network={     ssid="home"     scan_ssid=1     key_mgmt=wpa-psk     psk="very secret passphrase" } # # work network; use eap-tls wpa; allow ccmp , tkip ciphers network={     ssid="work"     scan_ssid=1     key_mgmt=wpa-eap     pairwise=ccmp tkip     group=ccmp tkip     eap=tls     identity="user@example.com"     ca_cert="/etc/cert/ca.pem"     client_cert="/etc/cert/user.pem"     private_key="/etc/cert/user.prv"     private_key_passwd="password" } 

i have object in c# code named wificonfig, used save ssid, key_mgmt, psk , etc., want use c# code create file if not exist, how serialize object , create file, there provide sample code that? i'm not sure if c# serialize tech. suitable method, thanks.

try "daabli". (de)serializer serializes plain-text, c style format. allows fine control on serialization of specific fields.


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