Google Maps Toggling Overlays With Checkbox -

i'm stuck. can't checkbox functional. toggle 2 layers checkbox. 2 layers should on when loaded (check box checked) , turned off when unchecked. simple, know, can't functional despite looking @ lots of working examples , checking posts. of stuff found how worked kml , fusion tables. have working kinda works button doesn't work check boxes.

here code drop down box check boxes.

tilenex = new google.maps.imagemaptype({             gettileurl: function(tile, zoom) {                 return "" + zoom + "/" + tile.x + "/" + tile.y +".png?"+ (new date()).gettime();             },             tilesize: new google.maps.size(256, 256),             opacity:0.50,             name : 'nexrad',             ispng: true         });          goes = new google.maps.imagemaptype({             gettileurl: function(tile, zoom) {                 return "" + zoom + "/" + tile.x + "/" + tile.y +".png?"+ (new date()).gettime();             },             tilesize: new google.maps.size(256, 256),             opacity:0.50,             name : 'goes na vis',             ispng: true         });          //create check box items         var radaroptions = {                 gmap: map,                 title: "this allows selection/toggling on/off radar layer",                 id: "radarcheck",                 label: "radar",                 action: function(){                 if (map.overlaymaptypes.length==0) {                   map.overlaymaptypes.push(null); // create empty overlay entry                   map.overlaymaptypes.setat("1",tilenex);                 }                 else {                     map.overlaymaptypes.clear();                 }              } }          var check1 = new checkbox(radaroptions);          var radaranimate = {                 gmap: map,                 title: "this allows selection/toggling on/off animated radar",                 id: "radaranimate",                 label: "animate radar",                 action: function(){                     alert('function coming soon');                 }         }         var check2 = new checkbox(radaranimate);          var satoptions = {                 gmap: map,                 title: "this allows selection/toggling on/off satelite layer",                 id: "satcheck",                 label: "satellite",                 action: function(){                 if (map.overlaymaptypes.length==0) {                   map.overlaymaptypes.push(null); // create empty overlay entry                   map.overlaymaptypes.setat("1",goes);                 }                 else {                     map.overlaymaptypes.clear();                 }              } }         var check3 = new checkbox(satoptions);          //create input box items          //possibly add separator between controls         var sep = new separator();          //put them create drop down         var dddivoptions = {             items: [sep, check1, check2, check3],             id: "myddoptsdiv"         }         //alert(dddivoptions.items[1]);         var dropdowndiv = new dropdownoptionsdiv(dddivoptions);          var dropdownoptions = {                 gmap: map,                 name: 'options',                 id: 'ddcontrol',                 title: 'a custom drop down select mixed elements',                 position: google.maps.controlposition.top_right,                 dropdown: dropdowndiv         }          var dropdown1 = new dropdowncontrol(dropdownoptions); 

full code

link map


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