sql - Emailing CSV file with PHP -

i have extracted data database , displayed on webpage in table format. provided link on page allows user download data csv file. works correctly far , when user follows link beneath displayed data allows them save it.

it sends email csv attachment. currectly csv in attachment blank , dont know why.

all want data database placed downloadable csv go attached csv , cant it.

could me?

here code have far:

// create csv file fputcsv($output, array('name', 'branch', 'website','company', 'question1', 'question2', 'question3', 'question4', 'question5'));  $mysql_connection = db_connect_enhanced('*******','******','******','******'); $query='select * ****.****'; $surveys = db_query_into_array_enhanced($mysql_connection, $query); $count = count($surveys); $data = array();     for($i=0; $i<=$count; $i++){     $data[] = array($surveys[$i]['feedbackname'], $surveys[$i]['branchname'], $surveys[$i]['feedbackwebsite'], $surveys[$i]['feedbackcompany'], $surveys[$i]['question1'], $surveys[$i]['question2'], $surveys[$i]['question3'], $surveys[$i]['question4'], $surveys[$i]['question5']);   }  foreach( $data $row )   {       fputcsv($output, $row, ',', '"');   }    $encoded = chunk_split(base64_encode($data));  // create email , send off  $subject = "file requested rrwh.com"; $from = "***************"; $headers = 'mime-version: 1.0' . "\n"; $headers .= 'content-type: multipart/mixed;    boundary="----=_nextpart_001_0011_1234abcd.4321fdac"' . "\n";  $message = '  multi-part message in mime format.  ------=_nextpart_001_0011_1234abcd.4321fdac content-type: text/plain;        charset="us-ascii" content-transfer-encoding: 7bit  hello  have attached php script requested http://rrwh.com/scripts.php zip file.  regards  ------=_nextpart_001_0011_1234abcd.4321fdac content-type: application/octet-stream;  name="';  $message .= "surveys.csv"; $message .= '" content-transfer-encoding: base64 content-disposition: attachment; filename="'; $message .= "surveys.csv"; $message .= '"  '; $message .= "$encoded"; $message .= '  ------=_nextpart_001_0011_1234abcd.4321fdac--  '; mail("*************", $subject, $message, $headers, "-f$from"); fclose($output);   

it feels close cant see answer :(

change line:

$message .= "$encoded"; 

with one:

$message .= $encoded; 


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