javascript - Image loading failing in IE9+10 -
ok site heavily graphic based had come way user not watch each image load in 1 one. developed following code sort of preloader until images on page ready. know shouldn't delay seeing page content images, images content on page chose lesser evil of faux-preloading.
the code works : finds images in ul page, holds them in var (images) , fades in parent li once image in scope has loaded. has check when image being pulled cache. creates nice 1 one fade in of empty li's styled empty boxes until images loaded , rest functionality of page triggered.
now problem : ie9 , ie10 halfway through process , randomly stops page never finishes "loading" , site nonfunctioning. i've tried few things im not sure problem is. html , js below.
the images html (only show 2 of 80 li's :
<ul> <li class="ch-one link"> <img class="gif" src="_images/_gifs/_inthemess/inthemess_1.gif" /> <img src="_images/_spreads/_thumbs/spread-04.jpg" /> </li> <li class="ch-one link"> <img class="gif" src="_images/_gifs/_inthemess/inthemess_2.gif" /> <img src="_images/_spreads/_thumbs/spread-05.jpg" /> </li> </ul>
the gif revealed on mouse over, jpg solid state.
var images = $('.spreads').find('img'); var loadedlen; var lilen; var x = 0, = 0; images.each(function () { if ($(this).complete) { $(this).parent().animate({ 'opacity': '1' }, 1000); $(this).parent().addclass('loaded'); checkpagestate(); } else { $(this).load(function () { $(this).parent().animate({ 'opacity': '1' }, 1000); $(this).parent().addclass('loaded'); checkpagestate(); }); }; function checkpagestate() { //check if images loaded //if animate toc in loadedlen = $('.spreads li.loaded').length; lilen = $('.spreads li').length; if (loadedlen === lilen) { showpages(); console.log('@showpages call checkpagestate'); } else if (loadedlen === 10) { //fix li height issue var imgheight = $(images[4]).height() + 2; }; }; }); function showpages() { var ph = $(document).height(); //then call function loop //and fade in each image until reaches last 1 pagetime = settimeout(function () { cleartimeout(pagetime); fadeineachpage(); }, 100); function fadeineachpage() { if (i < images.length) { cleartimeout(pagetime); //start countdown first pagetime = settimeout(function () { i++; fadeineachpage(); }, 1); theimage = images[i]; $(theimage).not('.gif').animate({ 'opacity': '1' }, 800); } else if (i === images.length) { //trash collection //fadeineachpage called program //will pass else if (i === images.length) few times //thus causing text pulse in correctly if( x === 0 ) { //adds listener mouse on effect addgiflistener(); $('#overview header h1.title').stop().animate({ 'opacity': '0' }, 300); var intime = settimeout(function () { cleartimeout(intime); $('#overview header h1.title').html('thank purchasing 6 memos ebook. select chapter enjoy full size.'); $('#overview header h1.title').stop().animate({ 'opacity': '1' }, 300); }, 2000); var finaltitletime = settimeout(function() { cleartimeout(finaltitletime); $('#overview header h1.title').stop().animate({ 'opacity': '0' }, 300); }, 8000); var finalfadein = settimeout( function() { $('#overview header h1.title').html('6 memos'); $('#overview header h1.title').stop().animate({ 'opacity': '1' }, 300); cleartimeout(finalfadein); }, 9000); //trash collection x++; } else { return; }; }; }; };
thanks help!
the solution $(this).prop('compelete');
suggested musa.
using $(this).prop('complete')
or $('img').prop('complete')
catch image files on page when js deployed; whereas load() checks if has loaded since js deployed.
this trying $(this).complete();
- seems associated ajax , not passing conditional causing rest of images loaded , displayed while leaving ones loaded before js in dark - speak.
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