php contact form with jquery style -

this first post - very new this. have contact form opens jquery pressing button. when submit form using php, box closes again can see 'view form' button. when click on box/form opens again , although form submitted - box stay open display 'thank submitting etc' message - appreciated. thanks. here jquery , php:

(function() {     $('html').addclass('js');     var contactform = {     container: $('#contact'),      config: {         effect: 'slidetoggle',         speed: 500     },      init: function(config) {         $.extend(this.config, config);          $('<button></button>', {             text: 'view form'         })             .insertafter( '.show-form' )             .on( 'click', );     },      show: function() {         var cf = contactform,             container = cf.container,             config = cf.config;          if (':hidden') ) {   ;             container[config.effect](config.speed);         }     },      close: function() {         var $this = $(this), // #contact             config = contactform.config;          if ( $this.find('span.close').length ) return;          $('<span class=close>x</span>')             .prependto(this)             .on('click', function() {                 // = span                 $this[config.effect](config.speed);             })         }     };             contactform.init({         // effect: 'fadetoggle',         speed: 300     });  })();   <form>  <?php function spamcheck($field)   {   //filter_var() sanitizes e-mail   //address using filter_sanitize_email   $field=filter_var($field, filter_sanitize_email);    //filter_var() validates e-mail   //address using filter_validate_email   if(filter_var($field, filter_validate_email))     {     return true;     }   else     {     return false;     }   }  if (isset($_request['email']))   {//if "email" filled out, proceed    //check if email address invalid   $mailcheck = spamcheck($_request['email']);   if ($mailcheck==false)     {     echo "error - please check details";     }   else     {//send email     $email = $_request['email'] ;     $subject = $_request['subject'] ;     $message = $_request['message'] ;     mail("", "subject: $subject",     $message, "from: $email" );     echo "thank query.";     }   } else   {//if "email" not filled out, display form   echo "<form method='post' action='thanks.php'>   email: <input name='email' type='text' /><br /><br />   subject: <input name='subject' type='text' /><br /><br />   message:<br />   <textarea name='message' rows='5' cols='40'>   </textarea><br />   <input type='submit' />   </form>";   } ?> 


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