php - adding the use of multiple variables to an ob_start function -

i've got following object start code; however, right uses 1 variable ( $online ) .... need add second variable ( $var2 ) code can have "var2"=> $var2 under "online"=> $online. needs added first line of code around use (&$online) code knows use variable.

ob_start(function($c) use (&$online){     $replacements = array(         "online"=> $online     );     return preg_replace_callback("/{(\w+)}/",function($m) use ($replacements) {         return isset($replacements[$m[1]]) ? $replacements[$m[1]] : $m[0];     },$c); }); 

how add this? try breaks code completely.

you can add many variables use like, separate them parameters:

function($c) use (&$online,&$var2) 


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