javascript - Backbone get not working with "this"? -

i struggled use underscore backbone collection.

var collection=backbone.collection.extend({ model:somemodel, getmodelentry : function(id){  return this.get(id);  //returns undefined } }) 

attempt 2:

var collection=backbone.collection.extend({      model:somemodel,     getmodelentry : function(id){      var model = this.where({id:id})[0];     //here got model      return model.get("attr");     //returns undefined     }     }); 

whats wrong using in collection?

get working perfect on instances!

var coll=new collection;  coll.get(id); //working fine 

works fine far see. check id of model you're looking exists in collection. add below , see happens

    getmodelentry : function(id){                         var model = this.get(id);             if(model == undefined) {                 console.log("id: ",id);                 console.log("collection: ",json.stringify(this.models));             } else {                console.log(model.get('name'));                             }                 }        


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