c# - Regex: how to get words, spaces and punctuation from string -
basically want iterate through sentence, example:
string sentence = "how day - andrew, jane?"; string[] separated = separatesentence(sentence);
output following:
[1] = "how"
[2] = " "
[3] = "was"
[4] = " "
[5] = "your"
[6] = " "
[7] = "day"
[8] = " "
[9] = "-"
[10] = " "
[11] = "andrew"
[12] = ","
[13] = " "
[14] = "jane"
[15] = "?"
as of can grab words, using "\w(?<!\d)[\w'-]*"
regex. how separate sentence smaller parts, according output example?
edit: string doesn't have of following:
8th, 1st, 2nd
check out:
string pattern = @"^(\s+|\d+|\w+|[^\d\s\w])+$"; string input = "how 7 day - andrew, jane?"; list<string> words = new list<string>(); regex regex = new regex(pattern); if (regex.ismatch(input)) { match match = regex.match(input); foreach (capture capture in match.groups[1].captures) words.add(capture.value); }
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