jquery - Image Slider Effect! Scroll on Top of Each Other -
quick question 1 know ideas how go creating effect images slide on top of each.. need pointers start me off havent got clue start..
manged stack images using postion abosolute , z index cant images scroll on each other.. :s suggestions guys
#lookbook img{ width: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0px; } img#image1 { z-index: 100; } img#image2 { top: 0px; z-index: 20; } img#image3 { z-index: 30; } img#image4 { z-index: 40; } img#image5 { z-index: 50; } img#image6 { z-index: 60; } img#image7 { z-index: 70; } img#image8 { z-index: 80; } img#image9 { z-index: 90; }
defo need javascript in here make images fix when reaches top guys
manged doesnt seem work any 1 lol
$(document).ready( function() { $(window).scroll( function() { if ($(window).scrolltop() > $('#lookbook img').offset().top) $('#lookbook img').addclass('fixed'); else $('#lookbook img').removeclass('fixed'); } ); } );
depending on how want slide images( vertical or horizontal), can start looking @ this , this. 2 links move images. can specify goes on playing around z-index, referring here